
hook ແລະ loop ແຜ່ນຮອງ

The Game Changer for Quick & Safe Surface Restoration Polishing Hook and Loop Backing Plate

Nowadays, the plate with hook and loop backing system- commonly named Velcro backing plates are used. These include easier and faster tool pad changes, better heat dissipation and lower vibration than traditional backing plates. We will see Hook and Loop Backing Plate, how we can benefit from it also its application as a major device where safety does not get compromised.

Hook and Loop Backing Plate Advantages

There are plenty of reasons for the rise in popularity with hook and loop type backing plates, most notably how easy they promote to install sanding discs on them. Work with more efficient using hook-and-loop backing plates you can attach/ remove polishing pads easier and faster than screw-on or snap on backers. Secondly, the Velcro closing system is largely responsible for proper application and attachment of any bed necessary to prevent it during operation from sliding or slipping off. The hook and loop backing plate with excellent heat dissipation, it is advantageous at over metal or plastic plates regarding preventing hot as burned the surface paint. In the end, we have returned with a hook & loop plate introduces that helps in lesser external vibrations during your work tenure and as a result provides you noise-free comfortable working.

Why choose RUIHONG hook and loop backing plate?


